Tag: santa barbara national forest

  • Old School Signage: Alder Creek/Mutau

    Old School Signage: Alder Creek/Mutau

    Another of the lost Santa Barbara NF enamel beauties, this one at the junction of the now-abandoned upper Alder Creek trail and Mutau Creek route, 1968. Mt Pinos district stalwart EmSub and his hearty team have worked the tree-littered Mutau trail several times in the wake of the Day Fire (see some photos here and…

  • Station to Station No. 6: Thorn Meadow Guard Station

    Station to Station No. 6: Thorn Meadow Guard Station

    Sometimes, I wish this building would just get bulldozed, or finally go up in smoke. Better that than suffer the ignoble crawl toward decrepitude to which the clowns subject it. Thorn Meadow Guard Station, 1950s. Image courtesy LPNF Archives. But anyway. Thorn Meadow was built (according to official USFS literature) in 1907, earlier than those…

  • Lookout! No. 13 Santa Ynez Peak

    Lookout! No. 13 Santa Ynez Peak

    Another of the myriad of lookout towers set atop Los Padres points in 1934 (see Cuyama Peak and Thorn Point as examples), the Santa Ynez site is now — like its long-lost bethren — dominated by communications arrays. The 30′ K-braced tower with the classic C3 cab commanded outstanding views of the Pacific and —…

  • Old School Signage: Santa Cruz Trail

    Old School Signage: Santa Cruz Trail

    During VWR training back in January, this sign hung above one of the meeting rooms’ threshold. Another gem; thankfully it’s been spared.

  • Old School Signage: Return to the Graveyard

    Old School Signage: Return to the Graveyard

    On St. Patrick’s Weekend 2013, the Expat and I — joined by Li’l G and Little Man — headed back into the sign graveyard under the auspices of the US Forest Service to document the old signage there. The Expat will surely post his work in time, but submitted herein are some of Li’l G’s…

  • The Ebook Has Landed

    The Ebook Has Landed

    At long last, the ebook editions of Hiking and Backpacking Santa Barbara and Ventura have arrived. Kindle and Nook editions are out now at deep discounts! I’m especially pleased the interior photos are full-color.