Month: December 2012

  • Series 21 West

    Series 21 West

    “21! Read ’em and weep, boys.”

  • Old School Signage: Franklin Trail, 1934

    Old School Signage: Franklin Trail, 1934

    The image below is presented here courtesy Joan Rock Bailard, and was scanned from a b/w Kodak Brownie print by David Griggs of the Carpinteria Historical Museum; my thanks to both for the kind use. Shown above is the junction with the Franklin and Ocean View Trails in 1934. Visible are Joan Rock at age…

  • Station to Station: Pine Mountain Lodge (Part 1 of 2)

    Station to Station: Pine Mountain Lodge (Part 1 of 2)

    Part of the Footprints Project PML Prime Pano. Image courtesy and © The Los Padres Expat Ah, Pine Mountain Lodge. The very name invokes different feelings for different LPNF wanderers: most know it as the dusty and somewhat disappointing trail camp at the junction of the Piedra Blanca and Fishbowls/Cedar Creek trails; some know of…

  • Kennedy Ridge Exploratory

    Kennedy Ridge Exploratory

    Redbeards of the Fog and Drizzle, Unite! On a recent and ridiculously soggy Saturday, the RSO and I were convinced by Mother Nature to eschew an ambitious 48-hour sojourn to the Monterey RD of the Los Padres. We agreed an exploratory of the Kennedy Ridge with our classic line-up (we two bipeds and the uber-hund)…