Month: June 2012

  • “Literary Gumbo” Appearance

    “Literary Gumbo” Appearance

    Sometimes the wilderness doesn’t present enough danger and/or excitement, and so a brother needs to brave elements of society. I did just that last week, roaming the streets of Santa Barbara (I even found a nice survey monument from 1917), and then stopped by the studios for a chat with “Literary Gumbo” host Fred Klein.…

  • Condor Call June/July 2012 + Errata

    Condor Call June/July 2012 + Errata

    The new issue of the Sierra Club’s Condor Call carries a short piece I wrote for the “Soaring the Los Padres” column, detailing the history of Madulce Cabin. Check it out here (see page 5). Errata/Ed. Note: I did not write the photo caption (you can tell because it uses the word “literally”), and certainly…