Month: March 2012
Old School Signage: Santa Paula Canyon
1928. The caption on the verso reads “Signs mutilated by shoooting, 1928. 72 dents”
Old School Signage: Roblar | La Carpa | Sespe Gorge | Cuyama
Along the road heading in to Potrero Seco guard station; image courtesy the LPNF Archives.
Join Us! Kennedy Ridge Hike, April 7 2012
As part of the Wild About Ojai adventure series, Ojai Valley Land Conservancy Preserve Manager Rick Bisaccia and I will be leading a hike up the fairly short but somewhat steep Kennedy Ridge Trail on Saturday, April 7.
Series 19 West
“Over it is Nineteen” Victory at EM23 (Bucksnort Trail), Winter 2012. Image courtesy and © ZK.