Tag: hiking

  • Kennedy Ridge and the East Camino Cielo, Redux

    Kennedy Ridge and the East Camino Cielo, Redux

    “Who is the man coming down your block?” Much time has been spent poking around the Kennedy Ridge and East Camino Cielo routes of late, and I’m happy to report another recent Sunday during which we enjoyed yet more idle exploratory above the bustling metropolis of Ojai. Joining the RSO and me for a rare…

  • The Ebook Has Landed

    The Ebook Has Landed

    At long last, the ebook editions of Hiking and Backpacking Santa Barbara and Ventura have arrived. Kindle and Nook editions are out now at deep discounts! I’m especially pleased the interior photos are full-color.

  • Condor Call February/March 2013

    Condor Call February/March 2013

    Cuyama Peak Lookout, 1934–2012 The current issue of the Sierra Club’s Condor Call carries a short article about the Cuyama Peak Lookout tower I wrote for the regular “Soaring the Los Padres” column. Every other month, this column details the great work being done by the Condor Trail Association and some of the features along…

  • “Is This Thing On?”

    “Is This Thing On?”

    Brace Yourself … With a big thanks to Perry in the Morning, I recently received the aircheck from the KVTA Talk Radio appearance Rick Bisaccia from the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy and I made July 2, 2012. For those who care to listen to two bearded wilderness knuckleheads embarrass themselves on the air … have…

  • Series 22 West

    Series 22 West

    “Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause …” And westward we march, now amongst the trails of Range 22 West. These routes tend to concentrate in the Chumash Wilderness or the Ojai/Rose Valley area, either side of Nordhoff Ridge. (Refer to Series 18 West, Series 19 West, Series 20 West,…