Tag: scouts

  • The Accidental Tradition: Nordhoff Lookout

    The Accidental Tradition: Nordhoff Lookout

    Sequels seldom live up their predecessors, but I’m happy to report that trend was bucked this past October. So let me rewind a bit here. Just over a year ago, I led a crew of my intrepid Cub Scouts for a microtrash clean-up atop Nordhoff Peak, under the auspices of the US Forest Service. Condors…

  • National Public Lands Day: Ortega Trail and Horseshoe Hill

    National Public Lands Day: Ortega Trail and Horseshoe Hill

    Late in coming, I know, but following is the short account of a service project I led for the Los Padres Forest Association this past National Public Lands Day (weekend) on September 28th. The official USFS press release read thusly: A work crew 72 volunteers deep descended on Wheeler Gorge Visitor Center, the lower Ortega…